
Investment Regimes Comparison

The Special Economic Zones has been created as models for the establishment of new companies with the main objective of fostering productive activities in different geographical locations, the creation of new jobs and the country’s economic growth. Although these areas appear to compete with each other, they complement themselves as they are focused to different sectors and activities.

Colon Free Zone is mainly oriented to the regional distribution of wholesale goods, and some logistics and financial services that support them.  Panama Pacific Area is focused in transportation and international logistics services, as well as specialized manufacturing and high tech.  City of Knowledge promotes scientific, academics, human development and cultural activities.  The Free Zones law allows special zones to be developed and take advantage of the fiscal, labor and migratory benefits.  The Tourist and Multimodal Logistic Support Zone of Barú was created to promote private investment in the District of Barú.

The special regimes of Multinational Headquarters (MHQ) and Multinational Company for the Provision of Services Related to Manufacturing (EMMA) can operate within a special economic area and additionally benefit from Law 54 on the legal stability of investments

Below is a comparison chart detailing the benefits of Colon Free Zone, Panama Pacifico Area, Free Zones, Multinational Headquarters (MHQ) and Multinational Company for the Provision of Services Related to Manufacturing (EMMA).

Comparison Table of Benefits

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