

  • The capital of the group that owns the MHQ must be equal to or greater than US $ 200 million, or the requesting company must provide services to at least seven (7) subsidiaries, subsidiaries or associated companies.
  • The assets of the group that owns the MHQ must be equal to or greater than US $ 200 million, or that the Business Group, its subsidiaries, subsidiaries or associated companies have a presence in more than 40 countries, operating under the same brand or commercial name.
  • Maintain a minimum of full-time employees and annual operating expenses appropriate to the nature of the business.
  • All applications to avail of the MHQ Law are made to the MHQ License Commission. The requirements for the granting of licenses are specified in Legal resolution No. 19 2017 and Law 57 of 2018.
  • In the event that the services to be provided are in financial assistance to entities that carry out the banking, insurance, reinsurance and / or securities business in Panama or abroad, the company must previously notify the corresponding regulatory entity (Superintendence of Banks, Superintendence of Insurance, etc.).
  • Submit annual report, once a year, within six months following the close of your fiscal period using the Affidavit Form LS-RG-010. The form is downloadable on the MICI website; it must be signed by the Legal Representative and countersigned by an Authorized Public Accountant, accompanied by a copy of the Audited Financial Statements.
  • SEM companies must comply with the Substance Requirements to benefit from the reduced rate of 5% income tax according to Law 41 of 2007 in Panama. This involves demonstrating that income-generating activities have taken place in the country, having qualified full-time employees and adequate operating expenses directly related to the main activity. Accreditation is achieved by maintaining records, books and documentation that evidence the appropriate level of employees and operating expenses, for a period of up to five years.