Trucking Components and Operations
Restrictions regarding the time when certain trucks can circulate by the freeway Arraiján-La Chorrera- Vía Centenario in accordance with the resolution No. OAL 345 and OAL 346 of the Transit and Land Transportation Authority (ATTT).
In the Casco Antiguo, the circulation of heavy vehicles is also restricted. In accordance with Executive Decree No. 51 of 2004. The articles with reference to the cargo vehicles are:
Los artículos con referencia a los vehículos de carga son:
- Article 64 “The circulation of vehicles of more than 7 tons and with dimensions greater than seven (7) meters long, two (2) meters wide and two point seventy-five (2.75) meters high inside is strictly forbidden of the area of the Casco Antiguo”.
- Article 65 “The operations of loading and unloading of goods can only be done from 9 AM to 11 AM and from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the places that the National Directorate of Historical Heritage of the INAC has for this”.
Weights and Dimensions
The Law 10 (Ley 10 de 24 de enero de 1989) regulates weights and dimension of trucks moving loads in public ways. The main regulations the law points out are:
- Every vehicle that uses 6 wheels or more wheels, or special characteristics of dimensions or weight should carry the “Weigh and dimensions” permit.
- The “Weigh and dimensions” permit is issued by the Ministry of Public Works (Ministerio de Obras Publicas). The permit should always be in the truck.
- It is not allowed that the load surpasses more than a meter lengthwise behind or in front the vehicle. The load should have red flags at its extremes when surpasses the vehicle dimensions.
- Special permits will be defined by the Ministry of Public Works (Ministerio de Obras Publicas). And follow other certain constraints. These special permits are related to oversized and over weighted freight.
- Vehicles from Central America entering the country should also stick to this law.
The following table shows the maximum lengths and weights allowed to transit around Panama:
There are establishes 7 weigh and dimensions stations to verify that the trucks are in compliance with the law. .
- Paso Canoas, Chiriquí
- Gualaca, Chiriquí
- El Embalsadero, Veraguas
- El Roble, Coclé
- El Espinal, Los Santos
- Chepo, Panamá
- Agua fría, Darién
The weigh and dimensions stations main function is to make sure that the law is being followed. The truck drivers have to show their driver license, truck permit, and then the truck is weighted. The weigh and dimensions stations locations are shown in the following map.
Location of Weighing Stations.
Weigh stations Paso Canoas, Gualaca and El Roble are the ones that register the trucks leaving from Panama for the rest of Central America. All of the stations are situated along the Pan-American Highway.
Trucks supervised by weights and dimension stations
The Department of Capacity and Cargo Control of the Transit and Land Transportation Authority of Panama counts monthly the vehicles controlled by the different Weights and Dimensions stations in the country. These can be of two types:
- Rigid trucks: Rigid structure vehicle designed to carry cargo (C2,C3, C4, etc.)
- Vehicle: That is composed of a tractor unit attached to an articulated structure (T2S1, T2S2, T2S3, etc.)
The following graph shows the number of trucks supervised by weights and dimensions stations.
Source: Transit and Ground Transportation Authority (ATTT)
The data is obtained from the Weights and Dimensions registers.
Weights and dimension infractions
The following graph shows the number of infractions committed in 2023. The infractions are committed by the owner of the vehicle to the law 10 of january 24, 1989, regulates weights and dimensions of trucks moving loads in public ways
Source: Transit and Ground Transportation Authority (ATTT)
The data is obtained from the Weights and Dimensions registers